Best Free Subtitle Editor 2019

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When we want to syncing a subtitle, sometimes we need subtitle editor to do so. There are lots of subtitle editor, but which one is the best among the others? This is my best free subtitle editor in 2019.

Subtitle Edit

srt editor

Subtitle Edit is a free and open-source editor for subtitle (to create, edit, adjust or synchronize subtitles for videos). You can easily sync a subtitle with the video in several different ways.

Subtitle Edit most supports 200+ subtitle formats and available in 29 languages. With a lot of features that its offer and the ease of its use, makes Subtitle Edit worth to be the best subtitle editor at the moment.

Unlike other subtitle editor who already does not give the update to the software, Subtitle Edit until now (21 March 2019) is still active doing the updates continuously.


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Aegisub is a free, cross-platform open source program for creating and modifying subtitles. It supports translation in nearly 30 different languages. Aegisub Advanced has 3 different versions for 3 different operating systems, Windows, OS X, and Unix.

Most used by fansubber around the world, makes Aegisub became popular among anime lovers.
In fansubbing terms, Aegisub is used for translating, timing, editing, typesetting, quality checking, and karaoke. Advanced subtitle styling is the reason why Aegisub most used by almost all fansubber.

Even though Aegisub still not doing the update since 2014, Aegisub is still popular until now.

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